Tattoo Machine Light
Tattoo machine light attaches to your machine and lights up the area you are working on when the gun is powered. The LED light bulb is compact and uses very little electricity yet gives off an efficient amount of light. You don’t have to worry about the light bogging down your machine. Easy to setup, one contact point connects to top binding post and 2nd contact point clips to your back binding post, will only take a few minutes max.
Proper Light Source for Tattoo Machine
Having an extra source of directed lighting is important when you are doing skin work. The proper amount of light may not always be obtained by room ambient sources. With a Tattoo Machine Light conversion kit, you can illuminate the exact location you are working on. This is great for all of your machines or guns. The low cost and easy setup makes this custom machine part a must have for your equipment. The typical shelf life of the light bulb is up to 2 years with regular usage. For additional tips on how to setup, simply go on youtube and you should find plenty of tutorial videos that will help you. The difficulty rating of setting up this conversion is low, even a person inexperienced with taking apart their gear should be able to figure out how to mount this piece. The current setup in the picture is using our Hildbrandt .44 Magnum with the Tattoo Machine Light mounted.